[root]# vim /usr/local/snort/etc/snort/snort.lua
-- 1. configure defaults
-- HOME_NET and EXTERNAL_NET must be set now
-- setup the network addresses you are protecting
-- HOME_NET = "any"
HOME_NET = '[[グローバルIP/32,]]'
-- set up the external network addresses.
-- (leave as "any" in most situations)
-- EXTERNAL_NET = "any"
include 'snort_defaults.lua'
include 'file_magic.lua'
-- 2. configure inspection
-- ネットワークを通過するファイルとファイルタイプを識別
file_id =
enable_type = true,
enable_signature = true,
file_rules = file_magic,
file_policy =
{ use = { verdict = 'log', enable_file_type = true, enable_file_signature = true } }
※ 上記設定にて、エラー発生
ERROR: /usr/local/snort/etc/snort/snort.lua: can't find file_id.file_policy
ERROR: /usr/local/snort/etc/snort/snort.lua: can't find file_id.enable_signature
ERROR: /usr/local/snort/etc/snort/snort.lua: can't find file_id.enable_type
[root]# /usr/local/snort/bin/snort --help-module file_id
[root]# /usr/local/snort/bin/snort --help-module file_policy
file_id = { rules_file = 'file_magic.rules' }
file_policy =
enable_type = true,
enable_signature = true,
rules = {
use = { verdict = "log" }
-- 接続元アプリケーションの検出・識別(SnortSnarf 使用時は、コメントアウト)
appid =
-- appid requires this to use appids in rules
app_detector_dir = APPID_PATH,
reputation =
-- configure one or both of these, then uncomment reputation
blocklist = BLOCK_LIST_PATH .. '/ip-blocklist',
allowlist = ALLOW_LIST_PATH .. '/ip-allowlist',
-- 5. configure detection
ips =
mode = tap,
variables = default_variables,
rules = [[
include ../../rules/snort.rules <-- PulledPork
include /usr/local/snort/rules/snort.rules <-- PulledPork
-- 7. configure outputs
-- Snort が検知したログ(/var/log/snort/alert_fast.txt)
alert_fast =
file = true,
-- ファイルイベントのパケットとシステム時刻のログ(/var/log/snort/file.log)
file_log =
log_pkt_time = true,
log_sys_time = false,